📢 Are you ready to shape the visual narrative of Metaverse Fashion Week 2024?
METAVERSE FASHION COUNCIL is excited to announce an open call for designers to craft captivating campaigns that will set the stage for this groundbreaking event.
Metaverse Fashion Week 2024 isn't just about showcasing cutting-edge designs; it's about immersing audiences in a world where fashion transcends boundaries and takes on new dimensions.
We're seeking innovative campaigns that incorporate 3D elements, video content, and stunning imagery to capture the essence of the metaverse and the future of fashion.

Here's what we're looking for:
3D Visuals: Create dynamic 3D renderings that bring the virtual runway to life. Whether it's futuristic landscapes, digital avatars, or interactive environments, show us your vision for the metaverse fashion experience.

Video Content: Produce engaging videos that tell a story and ignite the imagination. From teaser trailers to behind-the-scenes footage, demonstrate how your campaign will captivate audiences and leave them eagerly anticipating Metaverse Fashion Week.

Photography: Capture the essence of your designs through striking images that showcase every detail and angle. Whether it's high-fashion editorials or avant-garde photoshoots, let your creativity shine through in every shot.

To submit your campaign proposal, please include:

- A detailed concept
- Examples of previous work (portfolio)
- Estimated budget and timeline
- Contact information
Submissions should be sent to dao@metaversefashioncouncil.org by May 30.
Selected campaigns will have the opportunity to be featured prominently in promotional materials, social media channels, and virtual exhibitions leading up to Metaverse Fashion Week 2024.

Join us in redefining the future of fashion in the metaverse! 🚀